In general, raw data below age 100 during 1899-1995 are identical to those analyzed by Jacques Vallin and France Meslé, as contained in their latest data files and as described in the following references:
Vallin, Jacques. "La mortalité par génération en France, depuis 1899." Travaux et Documents no. 63. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1973.
Vallin, Jacques. "Tables de mortalité du moment et par génération 1899-1981: Mise à jour provisoire des tables annexes du cahier 63." Paris: INED.
Their raw numbers usually match the data contained in the published sources listed below. A major exception, as described in Vallin (1973), is a correction for "false stillbirths" (i.e., very early infant deaths incorrectly classified as stillbirths in official statistics). We made a few additional corrections to the Vallin/Meslé data below age 100 based on comparisons to published or unpublished sources, as described in Notes (France).
At ages 100 and above, data come from a variety of sources, some published and some unpublished. In all cases, we have treated published data as the authoritative source, unless we knew of an unpublished and reasonable correction by a knowledgeable person. In cases where original death data are not available in full detail (Lexis triangles), death counts by age were split into triangles. All such changes or corrections are described in Notes (France).
The following is a complete list of the sources of raw data, not including intermediary sources (such as data tapes provided by Meslé and Vallin):
Published Sources
Unpublished Sources
Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Jacques Vallin, France Meslé, Jean-Claude Labat, and Françoise Depoid for their help in assembling these data for France.