Data sources (Sweden)

  1. Births
    1. Statisque Générale de la France, "Statistique Annuelle du Mouvement de la Population, Année 1903", Imprimerie nationale, Paris. 1749-1900.
    2. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Statistisk Arsbok för Sverige", Stockholm. 1901-1930.
    3. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Befolkningsrorelsen", Stockholm. 1931- 1960.
    4. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Statistisk Arsbok", Stockholm. 1961-1993.
  2. Deaths
    1. Published sources
      1. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Statistisk Tidskrift". Published in 1905 in Stockholm, 1751-1900.
      2. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Bidrag till Sveriges Officiela Statistik, A) Befolkningsrorelson," Stockholm. 1851-1900.
      3. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Befolkningsrorelson", Stockholm. 1918-1960.
      4. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Befolknings Forandringar", Stockholm. 1961-1990.
    2. Unpublished sources
      1. Death counts by Lexis triangle for 1901-1917 were obtained from handwritten tables supplied by Statistics Sweden.
      2. Computer files of death counts for ages 50 and above during 1861-1990 were provided by Kirill Andreev, Odense University, Denmark. Several corrections were made based on the published and unpublished sources listed above.
      3. For ages 50+ during 1895-1900, death counts by Lexis triangle were compiled under the direction of Hans Lundström, Statistics Sweden, from archival records.
  3. Census
    1. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Statistisk Tidskrift". Published in 1903 in Stockholm. 1750-1855 (five-year age groups).
    2. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Bidrag till Sveriges Officiela Statistik, A) Befolkningsstatistik," Stockholm. 1860-1890.
    3. Statistiska Centralbyrån, "Folkrakningen", Stockholm. 1900-1950.
    4. Files provided by Hans Lundström. 1965-1990.

Acknowledgements: The massive chore of creating the complete Swedish data set, in particular the cohort life tables, could not have been accomplished without the diligent contributions of Lijing Yan and Carolyn Hart. Special thanks also to Hans Lundstrom, James Vaupel, and Kirill Andreev for their help in assembling these data.