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Data for Sweden

[ Data Notes || Data sources ]

  1. Births, 1749-2000
  2. Deaths, 1751-2000
    1751-1860 (5x1)
    1851-1860 (1x1, ages 90+ only)
    1861-1999 (1x1)
    1895-1900 (Lexis triangles, ages 50+ only)
    1901-2000 (Lexis triangles)
  3. Census, 1860, 1870, ...,1930, 1935, 1940, ... ,1950, 1960, 1965,..., 1995 (December 31)
  4. Early Census 1750-1900 (5x5)
  5. Population Estimates (January 1)
    1750-1860 (quinquennial)
    1861-1999 (annual)
  6. Exposure Estimates
    1751-1860 (5x1)
    1861-1999 (1x1)
  7. Death Rates, 1751-1999
    1. By year of death (period)
      1751-1860 (5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      1861-1999 (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
    2. By year of birth (cohort)
      1751-1950 (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
  8. Life Tables, 1751-1995
    1. By year of death (period)
    2. Female (5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      Male (5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      Total (5x1, 5x5, 5x10


      Female (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      Male (1x1, 1x5, 1x10,5x1,5x5,5x10)
      Total (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
    3. By year of birth (cohort)
    4. Female (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      Male (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
      Total (1x1, 1x5, 1x10, 5x1, 5x5, 5x10)
  9. Life Expectancy at Birth, 1751-1999

Data Notes || Data sources ]